Reading Lips

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Students will have experience analyzing and manipulating an already existing video clip, and making a unique and relevant work of writing.


After viewing multiple videos, students will select a video clip. They will then have to devise a storyline and dialogue that can be facilitated by the video itself.

Expected Lesson Duration:

Lesson is expected to last 2-2.5 days.

Interdisciplinary Connection(s) to Common Core

Preparing to Teach this Lesson:

Videos to be Critically Reviewed by Students (in full or in partition):

Student Handouts:

There are no handouts for this lesson.

Lesson Procedure:

Introduction/Gain Attention

  • Video of the Day: The class will begin with an video that might have political history or deal with propaganda, and the student and have them write a story about what is just off the boundary of the video.


  • The students will critically review a partition of Video 1 , the entirety Video 2, and a bit of Video 3 and Video 4.

  • After the students have watched these videos and taken note of the use of the scenery and overall plot, in order to alter the story, the students will select a video clip.

  • After the video clip has been selected the students will have to devise a storyline and dialogue that can be facilitated by the video itself.

  • The students only stipulation is that the stories all have to deal with _________________________.

  • The instructor can include a base for the story.

    • It can be as general as “time” or as specific as “when your pet giraffe stopped in your neighbor’s yard to take a nap”.
  • Depending upon the number of students in class, the instructor might be able to allow groups of two to work on the videos.

  • Make sure that the students use the peer review system prior to submitting their stories.

  • In the following class all of the of the clips should be submitted to the digital archive for a later review.


  • Utilize and strengthen critical review skills

  • Further development of creativity and problem solving skills in adjusting original ideas to adhere to limiting stipulations (e.g. altering scripts to ensure new dialogue is facilitated by the pre-existing video)

  • Demonstrate adequate implementation of scripts, storyboards, editing software, etc.

  • Ability to adhere to creative stipulations

Content of Lesson

  • Acquiring Key Concepts: critically reviewing videos, analyzing and manipulating the context and meaning of videos, creating unique storylines and narratives.

  • Engaging in Experiential Learning: manipulating the context and audio of an existing film, experimenting with different videos or storylines, experimenting more in depth with audio editing and effects.

  • Building Proficiencies: refreshing audio editing skills, implementing skills of a “good listener,” further developing creative narrative skills and narrative reasoning skills.

  • Connecting with STEM Professionals: view a video or listen to a professional discussing their process of creating a similar film, such as the creators of the example videos.

  • Assessing Learning: have students explain why they chose to follow the route they did in regards to their unique storyline versus possible other ideas they had; additionally, students can explain how they adhered to stipulations put in place by the instructor

Closure and Review

  • Reiterate the importance of storytelling in media.

  • The importance of a compelling, dynamic, and memorable story.

  • Digital archive

Higher Level Thinking Skills Noted

  • Why must a compelling, dynamic, and memorable story contain: Curiosity, Details, Metaphors, Characters, and Movement.


The art and skill of storytelling that will be practiced in this class will help the students reasoning skills, cognitive constructive capabilities, and develop character. The creation of a narrative requires the student to develop a logical order from a sequence of events. In order for the student to develop a meaningful arrangement of events the student must begin to grow their narrative reasoning skills. These skills can evolve through the consumption and dissection of narrative literature, of a mixed medium. While developing of their narrative reasoning skills the students should/ will become more empathetic to others, wise to deciphering the true purpose of the story, and become comprehensive thinkers of their own circumstances. The students are finally at the age in which they are beginning to construct their own narratives. We, as educators, want them to be exposed to a great diversity of narratives in order mature those narrative reasoning skills. The more developed their narrative reasoning skills are the more they get from a story (deeper perspective). The more advanced their skills, the more likely they are to rationalize why this character chose a particular path, place themselves in the characters shoes, and develop their own character.

Explorations and Extensions:

What genres are easier to manipulate and for what reasons are they easier to manipulate?

Content knowledge, student knowledge, and appropriate resources are aligned to instructional outcomes. Student learning will be assessed throughout the lesson via question responses and correlation to the project.

Students will have successfully met the outcomes when fundamental questions about the importance of storytelling and its role in videography can be observed through their writing and reflections of their peers work. Also questions about their current disposition are taken into consideration when they see media should begin to arise. Also a fluid and respectful use of time, along with an essay that is fluid, easy to follow, and retains its essentials as an ELA.

Modifications/Accommodations and Access for All:

A simpler version of Imagery and storytelling is already prepared if there are students that need to re-review the information. Also, if students need an alternate assignment due to their personal disposition to the material, alterations will be easily made.

Implementation Feedback:

Students can receive feedback on their completed stories from their peers and instructor. Students can then share how they felt about the project with their instructor; as well as what they gained from it, how it could have better benefited them, etc.

Other Important Course Development Information

Best Practices:

Exemplary Previous student work: